Unified Communications for Law Firms

Updated: October 2nd, 2024

How Can Onboarding Unified Communications Platforms Raise Productivity, Heighten Security and Improve Overall Processes for Law Firms?

Communication is key to success in all areas of business. However, for businesses involved in such high-pressure scenarios as law firms, in which efficient communication between legal professionals is imperative to success, the need for robust and reliable communications systems cannot be understated to offer stellar service and maintain positive client relationships.

However, despite the consequences of inefficient communications, too many legal teams don’t have a single, fully streamlined or modern method to communicate in a way which fits the scenario in question, whether it be via text, voice, video or another mode, internally or externally. This runs the risk of inconsistency among teams, which can lead to messaging lingering in cyberspace for too long while time is of the essence, costing the firm time and money, while also risking messaging being lost or forgotten altogether.

To make matters worse, many firms in the legal realm are still reliant on outdated comms technology that runs on analogue phone lines, limiting their ability to communicate effectively. With the upcoming PSTN switch-off set to end the use of these lines permanently, law firms that are still utilising traditional phone lines will lose their ability to communicate with their clients and each other, unless they switch to a digital alternative before 2025.Thankfully, Unified Communications solutions have emerged as a solution to these issues for law firms and businesses of all kinds where consistent communication is a requirement, allowing teams to remain in constant connection, across an array of communication methods, wherever they happen to be. But what exactly is Unified Communications and how can it prove to be such a game changer in the legal sector?

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What is Unified Communications?

If you use numerous email addresses in your day-to-day (as many of us do) you’re probably aware that several email applications allow you to consolidate all of your addresses into a single viewable timeline, to ensure you never miss a message. Unified Communications platforms are a similar concept, though instead of gathering all your email addresses into a single location, they offer all the communications tools modern businesses need to stay connected and remain productive, all in one handy centralized platform.

Tools for text, instant messaging, email, voice calls, video conferencing, file transfers, collaborative environments and more are all included, ensuring teams can communicate with each other and their customers/clients however serves the situation best; all without needing to switch between multiple platforms like Gmail, WhatsApp, Skype or Messenger.

Unified Communications platforms are usually hosted within the cloud and accessed via the internet, meaning they can be utilised by law firm employees from virtually anywhere, whatever their physical location. As long as the colleague in question has a steady internet connection and the relevant digital device (smartphone, laptop, tablet) they will be able to access the platform and still be able to use all the same tools as their office-based colleagues, opening up a world of possibilities for firms wanting to explore or improve remote or hybrid working. On top of this, because unified communications is a cloud-based platform, it will remain fully operational even after the PSTN switch-off.

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How a Unified Communications Solution Can Improve Operations Within Legal Firms

Versatility with Colleague and Client Interactions

Given the rate at which sensitive information changes hands – or changes entirely – within law firms, it’s understandable that there’s no single communication method to suit every message. Some communications require a more personal or visual touch, which is why various forms of communication need to be utilised. Specifically, reliable video conferencing.

With 90% of video conferencing users finding this mode of communication the most effective for getting their point across, according to data featured on FounderJar, it makes sense that video conferencing platforms for business are currently booming. It also makes sense that video conferencing for law firms is a hot topic, with far more effective and in-depth communications possible via the medium of video, which is especially helpful given the intricacy of the information being shared.

While there are countless video conferencing options to choose from, Unified Communications platforms take the hassle and stress out of video conferencing, while making them more accessible than ever. With unified communications, users can easily schedule and begin video conferences both internally and with clients. With all employees being signed in to the same platform, there’s no need for awkward link-following or alternative signing-in processes to external video platforms which can create roadblocks.

Not only that, but the versatility of video conferencing options within unified communications platforms is unmatched. For example, if communications were to begin as a simple phone call, but a visual element was needed to paint a better picture for all involved, the call host could instantly convert the call into a video conference, without the need to end the original call or reschedule it under a different system. This way, all callers can have instant access to a video conference to discuss important legal practice matters, eliminating the need for further video conference invites, and saving time and energy while boosting productivity.

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Enhance Productivity and Efficiency

At first glance, the more ways a business has to communicate, the greater their level of productivity should be, right? But that isn’t always the case. Businesses that utilise various communication channels with multiple subscriptions running at once can become disillusioned internally, with important messaging being scattered across too many platforms, rather than a single all-encompassing entity which is far easier to manage. Keeping up with so many different messages across numerous platforms isn’t just time-consuming and frustrating, it can create gaps in productivity in which essential time is lost.

According to our research, 7% of large corporations are still using 6 or more major methods of communication, which could lead to the pitfalls mentioned above, while a single communications platform like Unified Communications would streamline communications for businesses of all types – including law firms. 

By doing away with many separate forms of communication, and instead relying on a sole platform for all communications, law firm employees can also avoid losing time incrementally by toggling between these separate services. According to data featured in the Harvard Business Review, workers at major organisations toggle between platforms up to 1200 times per day, which equates to four hours per week of toggle time. By working from just a single communications platform, law firm employees can save this time and apply it to better serve their clients, for the betterment of the business as a whole.

Boosted Data Security 

It may not be an obvious point to those utilising such services, but using too many separate communications services to share sensitive legal or client information creates major data concerns. The more methods you use to share data, the more likely one of them is to be breached as users become complacent or fail to update important security protocols.

It’s the modern-day equivalent of using carrier pigeons to transport important messages. They’re reliable, for the most part. But with so many in the air at once, eventually, one may be intercepted or fly right into the hands of the enemy, dooming the entire operation. In other words, it’s an unnecessary risk, no matter how secure the method has proven to be in the past.

Plus, the more communication methods a law firm uses regularly, the more likely one is to become compromised due to human error. According to data from Verizon, 74% of data leaks occur due to a human fault, such as accidentally sharing log-in information or sending a sensitive file to an incorrect email address. Once one of these platforms is accessed by unauthorised parties and sensitive data is stolen, it creates a tidal wave of responsibilities on the part of the firm to close the breach, retrieve the data and manage any fallout, if they’re able to at all.

With many businesses closing within a couple of years after a catastrophic data breach, the need for stringent and robust security in communication channels has never been more prominent. So to limit the risk of leaks, businesses like law firms should cut down the number of separate communications channels they use and rely on a single platform with ironclad security – like Unified Communications solutions. Along with user-defined access controls, which limit the applications or files certain users can access based on indicators such as rank, unified communications platforms utilise the most modern and effective security tools to ensure user data is protected at all times.

Multi-factor authentication, for instance, doesn’t allow a user to log into the system – whether that be for the first time, from a new device or every time they log in – without confirming their identity on a separate device, like a smartphone. Encryption, on the other hand, scrambles data in transit to ensure it isn’t readable to anyone other than the intended recipients, should the network suffer a breach as a result of a hacker, thus protecting data from unwanted eyes.

It’s also essential to keep such tools updated with the latest firmware to limit such hacker attacks as these. That’s why, when taken as Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) law firms can rest easy knowing the management of these updates and security for the entire platform is being managed by an experienced third party. This saves busy law firms time and effort from checking all communications tools are up-to-date, so they can better focus their efforts to continue serving clients.

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Streamlining Workflows and Project Management

With so many moving parts in play at once, managing legal matters on behalf of clients can be a minefield if a team isn’t completely filled in on all aspects of the case, at all times. Without streamlined project management, law firms are at risk of managers and employees missing important information which could be vital to a positive outcome on behalf of the client, wasting valuable time and causing confusion on a wider scale.

However, Unified Communications solutions feature innovative digital collaboration tools in which colleagues can share files, present updates, edit presentations and so much more, all in real-time. Not only that, but any edits to specific files or projects are all trackable, ensuring everyone has a clear view of what changes have been made by which colleague, for full transparency. This also helps revert back to previous project versions, if anything needs to be altered from a specific point, saving time and raising productivity.

Thanks to the cloud nature of unified communications platforms, these collaborative environments can be accessed at all times, by all relevant parties, from anywhere, as long as they have a stable internet connection, the correct login details and the correct device. This ultimately makes cross-location internal collaboration more accessible and achievable than ever, helping law firms stay on top of their goals while also serving the needs of remote-working colleagues.

Onboard Unified Communications in Your Law Firm with Elite Group

If all of the above sounds like a solution to the problems your law firm has been facing, or you’ve just been struck by how much of a difference a unified communications solution could make within your business, speak to the experts at Elite Group. With decades of combined experience in the business communications space, helping firms just like yours make the most of new and emerging communications technology, we’re your ideal partner to onboard unified communications and reap all the benefits.

As a trusted Microsoft Partner, as well as holding partnerships and accreditations with many other major technology providers, you can trust us to get the job done and support you as you adapt to your new tools. With Elite, you’ll be assigned a dedicated account manager who will act as your first port-of-call throughout the onboarding process and beyond, so you’ll always have someone to talk to should you need assistance.

Speaking of assistance, reaching out to Elite for help is even easier. With technology experts available to answer your queries 24/7, you’ll always have the solutions to your issues, no matter the time of day.

To find out more about Unified Communications from Elite Group, speak to an Elite Group expert today.