Ultrafast Broadband 101: Everything You Need to Know

Updated: June 28th, 2024

With the sheer amount of data being moved by businesses every day, having business internet solutions that can match the growing needs of such businesses is essential if they wish to continue their expansion and stay ahead of the competition. However, too many businesses remain on a broadband connection that is no longer suitable for the amount of bandwidth they need and the number of devices that are connected to the network at any given time. This slows down processes from top to bottom within the business, causes employee frustration, limits the level of service customers can receive and, ultimately, costs profits.

Thankfully, ultrafast broadband is emerging as a solution for countless businesses to not only remain connected, but to achieve the bandwidth and download speeds they need to communicate, share information and complete essential tasks quickly and easily, without network issues constantly getting in the way.But what exactly is ultrafast broadband for businesses, what are the benefits of an ultrafast broadband package over legacy broadband solutions and how does the transition to ultrafast broadband work? In this article, the experts at Elite Group reveal all.

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What is Ultrafast Broadband?

In layman’s terms, ultrafast broadband is a reliable broadband technology that greatly supersedes the capabilities of previous broadband connections in terms of download and upload speeds. If you’re wondering how fast ultrafast broadband can go, it’s one of the most common business broadband FAQs… In a technical sense, it is classed as a broadband connection that can deliver download speeds of over 300mbps, but not faster than 1000mbps.

Unlike other broadband connections, ultrafast broadband utilises fibre optic cables (rather than traditional copper wires) that connect your premises directly to your nearest telephone exchange. This is why ultrafast broadband is also sometimes referred to as Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) or Full Fibre broadband, because it requires a fibre connection.

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Benefits of Ultrafast Broadband for Business Over Standard Broadband

Improved Performance

The key benefit of ultrafast broadband for businesses is that it provides greatly superior download and upload speeds. Maxing out at 1000mbps for downloads and 115mpbs for uploads, businesses can expect to share files in record time while also enjoying other internet-powered services, such as video conferencing and shared creative environments, without interruption or lag.

Data-intensive applications and cloud services also receive a massive boost. Because cloud services and applications are hosted within the cloud and accessed via the internet, a fast and reliable internet connection is essential if employees are to enjoy unrivalled levels of productivity, which is exactly what ultrafast broadband provides.

Reliability and Stability

Reducing downtime is a major benefit of ultrafast broadband. With downtime costing large-scale businesses an average of $16,000 (£12,500) per minute, according to data from Pingdom , many businesses would struggle to recoup such losses should the unfortunate happen. Because ultrafast broadband offers a dedicated connection straight to the premises, along with being powered by more modern and reliable cabling, users can expect drastically fewer dropouts with little to no downtime at all, barring a cable cut, which is exceptionally rare. By avoiding downtime, businesses can maximise their efforts and remain productive throughout the working day.

Ultrafast broadband also offers better conditions for remote workers. Because their office-based colleagues are using ultrafast broadband, even the most intensive video conference meetings with hundreds of members can run smoothly, allowing those working from home to remain connected to their colleagues at all times.


Older, less impressive broadband options may have been suitable for the tools and processes of the day. But in a world where internet-powered technology is developing at a rapid pace, and the number of people using these technologies is also increasing, broadband options need to remain suitable fast, reliable and scalable to meet the demand. Thanks to the additional speed, ultrafast broadband can meet the needs of modern businesses that have hundreds of devices connected at once, ensuring everyone can perform their roles as expected at all times, while also providing the speeds needed to keep new and emerging tools working correctly. A digital phone line that relies on a smooth internet connection, for example, could evolve, but the impressive speeds offered by ultrafast broadband would likely sustain it for years to come.

Ultrafast broadband also helps businesses scale effectively. Because of the abundance of bandwidth available, it is easy to add new users to the network as a company increases its staff count, without the fear of the added network pressure causing problems and slowing everyone else down. Think of it as adding extra floors to a building as more people enter, without the building ever crumbling under its own weight – you can just keep adding and building to keep everyone happy.

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Comparing Ultrafast Broadband with Legacy Broadband

Speed and bandwidth

As the next stage of broadband evolution, it makes sense that ultrafast broadband holds a significant advantage over its predecessors in terms of speed and bandwidth. While the most recent interaction of broadband (aside from ultrafast) could reach maximum speeds of around 100mbps, ultrafast broadband can easily top speeds of 300mbps, with some users reaching 1000mbps, depending on the capabilities of their fibre cables and network provider. The additional bandwidth capabilities also mean more users can access the tools and services they need at once, even if they are data-intensive, without anyone’s speeds dropping.

When you onboard ultrafast broadband, employees will instantly notice the difference these advantages make in their day-to-day, with loading times and dropouts virtually disappearing. But, when looked at over a longer period, the resulting improvements in productivity, profits and staff morale are even more impressive.

Latency and Performance

Speaking of loading rates and dropouts, ultrafast broadband users can expect far less (if any) latency when using the internet or internet-dependent tools such as cloud communication systems. It is for this reason that many businesses are gradually making the switch, as most of the tools within their business are upgraded from legacy technology to cloud-based applications. 


Any improvement in business technology indeed requires an initial investment, which can be offputting for some if it’s a considerable amount. However, in the case of ultrafast business broadband, the initial investment pales in comparison to the benefits and eventual return on investment businesses stand to gain.

Businesses will need to pay an upfront cost to onboard ultrafast broadband, to cover the fees for such services as installation, as well as the standard monthly fee. But because employees will enjoy seamless access to data-intensive applications and cloud-based applications, without excessive loading times, productivity will increase with every micro-usage of such tools. When gathered over a year period, this could represent hundreds of hours of time saved across the business, which employees use to be more productive in their roles, pushing the business forward.

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Key Considerations When Switching to Ultrafast Broadband

Assessing Business Needs

When onboarding new business broadband, it is important to not only consider your current requirements, but the requirements you may have as the business grows. Are you planning to onboard new staff in large numbers? Will the technology you use become more internet-dependent? Will you be operating from one or more premises? Once you have answered such important questions, you’ll be ready to begin exploring the options – one of which will be ultrafast broadband.

You should speak with a business broadband expert like Elite Group – we’ll look at key areas of your business, including your overall goals and aspirations, to suggest broadband products to meet your needs now and in the future. Though, when in doubt, you can look at the specific data requirements of your daily business processes and make an educated decision as to whether or not greater speeds and bandwidth would improve things. In most cases, the answer is a resounding yes. Plus, with countless businesses making the move to cloud-based applications and communications systems, your business will need something as reliable as ultrafast broadband if you’re planning to make the switch.

Infrastructure Requirements

Before onboarding new broadband, businesses must also consider whether any upgrades will be required to successfully install the new technology at a premises. Because ultrafast broadband runs using fibre optic cables, rather than the traditional copper wiring, it may still be the case that a business premises require fibre optic cable installation if they’re still reliant on the old technology. Also, because ultrafast broadband offers businesses a dedicated connection from their building to the exchange, these lines will need to be installed internally and externally.

Businesses must also check whether the new broadband they’ll be using will be compatible with the systems and hardware they rely on every day. But because ultrafast broadband is so efficient and fast, it will likely be compatible with the tools you’re using today and any tools you plan on onboarding in the foreseeable.

Choosing the right provider

With so many options out there, you need to choose the right ultrafast broadband provider for your business. But beyond the obvious talking points, like average speeds and price, you should look a little deeper to ensure all areas of the relationship you value will be in line with your expectations throughout your deal. Remember, this is a working relationship that will affect your business and your success in a huge way, so it pays to put in a little extra time in the beginning to ensure you’re making the right choice.

Look into previous customer reviews and testimonials – providers with a lot of credible positive feedback are often the most trustworthy and offer the best service. While you’re looking into reviews, be sure to read up on their customer support options. If the reviews indicate an excellent level of customer support, it’s understandable for you to expect the same support when you finally sign on the dotted line. Reviews will also give you some insight into their SLAs and whether they, as a provider, have been meeting these targets consistently.

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Implementation Process

Planning the transition

Once you’ve committed to onboarding ultrafast broadband for business and have chosen a trustworthy provider, it’s time to nail down the steps involved in the transition, to ensure your operations continue to move uninterrupted – or with as little interruption as possible. Work with your provider to plan a date for the switch, as well as plan for the installation of any new cabling, modems, Wi-Fi extenders or similar pieces of kit you will need. Once you have these dates confirmed, you can keep your staff informed of the movements and try to organise the installation steps that will cause minimal disruption to employees during working hours.

By working with an experienced and reliable business broadband merchant like Elite Group, you can put the planning process in the hands of trained professionals who’ve helped businesses reap the benefits of ultrafast broadband while remaining productive throughout onboarding.

Installation and Setup

If your business is yet to have fibre optic cables installed, this will need to be completed by Openreach before you’re able to onboard ultrafast broadband. The process involves running a fibre optic cable from your nearest exchange (this can be underground or via a telegraph pole) to your business premises, where it will enter the building via a small box on an external wall, known as a junction box. From here, the cable will run into the building and adjoin with a small unit that connects to the router or multiple routers, if necessary.

Once the cables have been activated and the broadband switched on, it then needs to be connected to all relevant devices using the passkey provided – this will likely be a complex combination of letters (both upper and lower case) and numbers, preventing unwanted individuals from gaining access. When working with Elite, your dedicated account manager can be on-site during this process to guarantee all devices have been set up properly and are all enjoying the correct download and upload speeds, as specified in the broadband deal. They will also help you perform several post-installation tests to ensure the speeds and reliability of the broadband remain constant, as well as monitor the network usage over time, so the lines can be optimised for peak performance based on your business’s day-to-day activities.

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Maximise the Benefits of Ultrafast Broadband with Elite Group

If your business is ready to leave past frustrations behind and switch to ultrafast and ultra-reliable broadband, speak with Elite Group today about our business broadband packages. With over 20 years of experience helping businesses maximise their efforts through the onboarding of new technologies – including business broadband – we’re always ready to help you make the most of your network efforts and push your output to the limit.

Along with our accredited experts, each of whom holds a plethora of industry-standard accreditations, you’ll also benefit from the prestigious partnerships we’ve accrued over our years as a trusted and reliable business technology provider. So whatever technologies you may be interested in to improve network speeds, communications, phone systems and more, we’ll always have something to help.

To find out more about how our business full fibre broadband service could change your business for the better, and how Elite Group can help get you there, speak with an Elite expert today.