5 Key Questions For Choosing a Business Mobile Plan

Updated: July 11th, 2024

Are You Receiving the Best Advice On Your Business Mobile Contract?

Mobile phones play an integral part of any business communication system now and with it comes a plethora of options for connectivity, security, usability and communications. Grasping an understanding of all this isn’t easy and having a dedicated contact is crucial for improved mobile outcomes.

In 2024, people spent approximately 3 hours and 15 minutes on a connected mobile device every day, according to data featured by Exploding Topics. That’s a whopping 30% increase compared to 2019. So, what are we doing online?

During the past few years, business apps have seen a massive increase in use, by 85%, with productivity apps coming second at 29% and social media apps only increasing by 16% worldwide. This highlights the recent shift of mobile usage to business purposes.

With apps like Microsoft Teams, there is an ever-increasing need for data, with video accounting for 63% of mobile traffic. You can understand why when weekly Microsoft Teams mobile users increased by more than 300% from February 2020 to March 31st, 2020 due to the pandemic. But video traffic remains considerably higher than it previously was, even today.

In 2020, the average data used per month, per user was 7GB. By 2029, this figure is expected to rise to a staggering 59GB per month, according to data featured by Ericsson. This shows an undeniable trend towards more data being consumed per user. With business data surely accounting for a large percentage of said data, the need for consistent and reliable business mobile devices with the highest possible data speeds is alarmingly apparent.

Business mobile phones are an essential tool for client communication and the need for this is growing daily. From handsets, dongles, and data SIMs to wireless hotspots and more, mobile technology is an integral part of any modern business communications plan. But to realise the full benefits of mobile, business customers partnering with the right provider is critical.

5 Questions You Should Consider When Choosing Business Phone Contracts

1 – What Devices and Features Does My Team Need?

Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Google phones and other brands all feature a plethora of devices to browse. But choosing a device for your team doesn’t always need to be a complicated process; it all depends on the nature of their work and precise needs. For example, if your team will only be using their smartphones primarily for making calls and sending texts or emails, chances are they won’t need anything too technologically advanced, and they may not even need unlimited data or unlimited calls, meaning you’ll be able to save some cash when compared to the latest high-end models.

Then again, if your team will be using more intensive applications that could take a toll on the phone’s internal CPU and RAM, such as cloud phone systems, it’s absolutely worth opting for phones that feature more impressive specifications. It would also be useful, in this instance, to opt for phones with larger-than-average screens, as this will help your team traverse the various applications they’ll be using every day more easily.

But speaking of specific devices, it isn’t always necessary to take out a contract for the exact same model of phone for everyone in the company, even though it could save you a little time. The work demands of people in different departments in different roles never match, so it makes sense to take out the phones that meet the needs of specific teams and individuals. Not only will this individualised approach help them remain more productive, but it will likely save the company a lot of cash, too, preventing the need for the most impressive phones to be used across the board.

2 – What Would I Achieve Working with a Third-Party Provider?

Working with a third-party provider like Elite Group comes with a host of benefits you should greatly consider if you’re seeking a new business mobile plan for your company. Firstly, we always have your needs and interests at heart. This sounds like it should be obvious, but it’s not always the case when working with contract providers. These providers may not always offer you the best deal that meets your needs, but rather, the best deal that benefits them from a cash standpoint. 

Also, they may conveniently fail to inform you when employees begin using minutes or data that falls outside of your chosen contract, which could cost you significant sums in the long run if left unchecked. When your contract finally ends, they may automatically roll you over onto a more expensive deal, too – something we’ve all experienced with our own phones and would like to avoid.

But with Elite, we take care of all the specific details like the above – and more – for you, ensuring you’re always getting the best deal and never paying more than you should be. We proactively monitor your contracts and take careful steps to guarantee you’re never taken advantage of, informing you of any changes in conditions you should be aware of. This is the job of your dedicated account manager; something you’ll receive as standard when working with Elite. In other words, we take the headache away from taking out a business mobile plan, so you can spend more time doing what you do best.

3 – Which Network Should I Go With?

With so many mobile networks available today, it can be infinitely difficult to decide which one to side with when taking out a new business mobile plan. They all have their own advantages and benefits, but also their own pitfalls (reading customer reviews is a great way to scope this out).

You may have one of these networks in mind already, but approaching them without considering a third-party provider like Elite can be a mistake. They will do everything they can to sell you their products and deals, even if they’re not the right fit for your business; it’s all about getting cash in the register, right? But Elite doesn’t push you into a corner like this. We explore all the best deals from major network providers and leverage our existing relationships with such networks to find you the deals that fit what you need like a glove.  

4 – What Kind of Support Can I Expect?

Having consistent and reliable support over your contract and devices can be essential if you rely on them heavily in your day-to-day, with a lack of appropriate support costing your company time and profits you can’t afford to lose. When signing directly with a major provider, you’ll likely be reliant on their standard customer support or business support lines when things go wrong.

While it sounds beneficial to have ports of call like these at face value, the reality is you could be lumped in with the hundreds of thousands, or millions, of other customers they need to support. In a worst-case scenario, this could leave you waiting to be spoken to for hours, days or even weeks, depending on the attentiveness of your provider – and you can’t afford to be left at the bottom of the pack.

But by choosing a third-party provider to take care of your business mobile plans, you’ll be working with a team that fights to make sure you receive the support you need, as and when you need it. As each of our clients receives a dedicated account manager, there will always be someone you can speak to with in-depth knowledge of your business, its needs, and the issues you may be facing. This means your problems can be investigated and solved far quicker than the usual means, cutting downtime and helping you stay productive. 

5 – What if Our Contract Needs Change?

The needs of modern businesses can shift quickly and the option to pivot when you need to can be paramount if you want to remain as productive as possible and stay on top of your goals. This isn’t always a possibility with lengthy phone contracts that lock you into specific terms, conditions and devices for an elongated period. What if the demands placed on some of your team members change and they require new devices as quickly as possible? Or what if you need to change the terms of usage outlined in your contract, or add extra perks or benefits?

These changes can be difficult to make on a large scale when dealing with a contract provider yourself. But, at Elite Group, we take the legwork out of making alterations to your existing deal as soon as they become available and work on your behalf to ensure your contract and devices are always fit for purpose. If you suspect the needs of your team may drastically alter mid-contract, let us know and we’ll focus solely on deals that give you the most freedom of choice possible, so you’re not stuck with a deal that doesn’t match your requirements. 

Our 3 Top Business Mobile Plan Tips

With a large pool of potential mobile phone providers, plans and prices, it can often feel overwhelming to pick the best business mobile phone provider for your company.

Here are three of our top tips:

Number 1 is cost. Ensure your mobile solution is right for your business and you’re on the correct tariff. This will ensure that you are only paying for products and services that are suitable and that are required. This may include knowing what bolt-ons are available, as when you pay for services upfront it’s much better value than paying for them as you go.

Number 2 is, always ensure you are on the best device. Now that we are using mobile devices more than ever, are you using the correct device? Does it work efficiently with any company system or any apps that you may have or is it causing issues or restrictions? Ensuring you’re on the correct device enables your workforce to work smoothly and efficiently.

Number 3 is the relationship that you have with your provider. This to me is essential, if you need a point of contact when you have any queries, issues or problems. Here at Elite, we offer you a dedicated account manager purely to look after your mobile solutions. They are on hand to advise you on your mobile state and ensure you’re on the correct tariff throughout your contract, and also to answer any questions or issues you may have.

What sets Elite Group apart from many business mobile providers?

Elite can tailor a business mobile solution to fit any business for any need with one major difference compared to some providers – a dedicated account manager who knows your needs and your business. No matter what your mobile needs are, with Elite, you can get them all under one umbrella. Talk to one of our mobile specialists today for an improved mobile solution and a dedicated account manager.

Elite Group is one of the UK’s leading unified communication providers, supplying reliable and professional IT and telecom services to organisations seeking Business Mobile, Cloud, Networking, Connectivity, and Telephony solutions. If you’re ready to choose the best business mobile plan for your team, speak with an Elite expert today.

Business Mobile FAQs