Liv Appleton

Technology Content Marketing Executive Liv joined the Elite Group team in 2021, as our technology copywriter, before progressing to her current role as our Content Marketing Executive in 2022. Liv has a strong background in the field of technology and leverages deep industry knowledge across a range of topics to create informative, insightful, and educational content to guide businesses towards effective technology adoption. Liv is committed to bringing up to date information on the latest technology, reporting on industry trends and providing advice to empower customers to make the most of everything their technology solutions have to offer.

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Elite Posts

A Growing Threat: Protecting Your Business From Cybercrime in 2023

We're going to take you through the key cyber security threats that can pose a risk to your business, cyber crime trends for 2023 and the steps you ca...

Business Insights

Spring Budget 2023: What It Means For Technology

From technical jargon to complicated explanations, there is a lot to take in when trying to understand how UK businesses will benefit from this enhanc...

Elite News

Success Story: Celebrating Team Elite Exam Achievements

We're thrilled when our employees not only engage with these opportunities, but work hard to excel and achieve success in their course work and exams....


How to Choose the Best VoIP Service

Key Features to Consider When Selecting a VoIP Provider   If you’re looking for a new phone system for your business communication or want ...


How Do Cloud-Based Phone Systems Work?

How does a cloud-based phone system provide the platform for a more modern communication network? Here's what you need to know. ...

Cloud & IT

Why Are Businesses Switching to Cloud Phone Systems?

Not only does moving to the cloud safeguard your business against the PSTN Switch Off, it can provide a wealth of benefits and advantages for your bus...